Chris Lenahan Tom Walker Jordan Ruemler
Author, Speaker, Hospitality Industry Expert Business Analyst Marketing and Promotions Specialist
Author of “The Little Black Bar Book” is involved in owning, operating, developing, designing, and consulting for the highly competitive Bar/Nightclub industry worldwide since 1996. Tom has worked in the hospitality and security industry for over 22 years and has held a variety of different positions, giving him a dynamic skill set. A top broker for 10 years in the financial industry. She came to Portland from Chicago to train & recruit for JP Morgan.
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Paulo Alexandre Morais Da Silva Timo Porotesano Robert Smith
European Restaurant and Nightlife Specialist Safety and Security Specialist
Safety and Security Expert
Paulo has over 20 years proven expertise as an operational manager, General Manager, Designer, Business Developer, Marketing Manager, PR, F&B, Sales and Service, including training managers from all over the world Timo started his career in 2003 utilizing his skills with interpersonal relationships and has risen quickly to managing a full time highly trained and respected, forty strong security team. The President and CEO of Nightclub Security Consultants and are home based in San Diego, California.

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